
Posts Tagged ‘sketchbook’

Sketchbook Supplies Sketchbook page 1The Sketching seminar (Read more here) was a great reminder that I need to slow down and take more notes and look at shapes and colors.  Sometimes I get tied up in the day-to-day of trying to make a living and forget just how  much fun the work of making art can be.

At the seminar we were given a sketch book and watercolor pencils along with a water brush and view finder that we could use to help us narrow down a composition.

Getting into the habit of carrying a sketchbook is something that many artists do in order to record things they see that they may want to paint at a later time.  I think having a camera with you everywhere you go (cell phone) has made the sketchbook a tool that artists have stopped using.  It’s a shame.

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Sketch Book Notes

Sketch Book Notes

One of the best tips I can suggest for artists, both beginners and advanced, is to always carry a sketchbook.  Cameras are great too but often they do not capture the vividness of color.  And a camera can’t capture the “feel” of the scene.  These are things you can jot down in your sketchbook and they become invaluable to you when you begin painting that scene.  They will help you  to relive the scene making for a better painting.  I have a shelf full of sketch books and often refer back to notes I made years ago that reminds me of something I may have forgotten but will improve my work.  Take a camera; carry a sketchbook; make notes.  You’ll become a better painter.

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