
Posts Tagged ‘cotton tablecloth’

Tablecloth 2 CrochetI’ve been crocheting with cotton these last few weeks.  I like the feel of it.  This is the second tablecloth I have made.  This one started with a doily pattern that I found on Ravelry.com.  (You can see it here.)  Once I started with that pattern I couldn’t stop so I kept adding on to it and this is what happened.   Crocheting is a relaxing pastime for me.  I almost always have a hook and yarn in my hand when I sit to watch tv.  I credit my grandmothers for teaching me.  Granny taught me to chain when I was about six years old and later she showed me more stitches.  Then Big Mama taught me different patterns.  I’m so glad they took the time to teach a curious little girl how to do something they knew.  I think they would both have loved to see what I am doing with it today.

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