
Posts Tagged ‘Advertising’

I have been painting and blogging about it now for over 4 years.  I was at a luncheon recently when someone asked why I blog.  I explained that it’s my job.  I’m an artist.  And in this economy an artist takes advantage of every opportunity that comes their way to try to make a living.  I sell my paintings at my shop, Delilah’s;  I teach art three days a week at The Southerlands and the Blue Ridge Arts Council; and I blog. 

Blogging has been a terrific way to promote and sell my art.  And because all of you have been following me faithfully for these years my numbers (clicks on my site) have gotten high enough that I can now put advertising here.  I know some people don’t like that idea but from the point of view of the blogger trying to make a living, “Every little bit helps!”  So I hope you won’t mind seeing an ad or two appear here.  The look of the blog will pretty much remain the same although I have a few new ideas that I plan to add soon.  So stay tuned…and thanks so much for following my blog!!!

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